Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique QHHT
We will get in touch with your Inner Essence to answer many questions.
Service Description
1. Pre-Talk where we discuss all questions you want answered and I will explain the whole process to you 2. Clearing of any negative energy and opening of chakras (optional) - I am a Master Level in Usui Reiki 3. Meditation practice before starting the session. I have a Mindset brand meditation tool that is very effective in assisting anyone who feels they might not be able to relax enough to get to the Theta brain wave state (trance-like state where you are still fully aware and in control). 4. Hynotherapy Session where we will explore any areas the subconscious brings to the surface to answer questions and bring understanding of life's circumstances. Some clients request past life regressions to be included in the session and some only want to explore their current life. We will have the subconsious perform a body scan to add any additional physical or emotionally healing that is appropriate at this time. 5. Post-Talk where we will discuss any questions that came up (and usually celebrate the deeper reasons and answers that were brought forth in the session). 6. Follow-up email access information will be given for any questions that come up after the session. I care so much about your healing and am here to help guide you back to connection with your Inner Essence!
Contact Details
200 Main Street, Hilton Head Island, SC, USA